Dollar General, Design Challenge

3 Question Survey, Mobile Layout

  • Industry – E-commerce
  • Environment – Mobile


Design a 3 question survey for a product you are selling on a retail site. The product is a “custom fragrance air sprayer”.

• Pick any 3 brand colors.
• Choose a fun fragrance you want to promote.
• No more than 3 screens.
• This would be hosted in a mobile app.
• UX should invite the users at the end to try the product.


  • Figma


Initial Discovery

The first thing I did was conduct competitive research on other online products similar to air fresheners. Then did another research on survey layouts and product review forms in a mobile layout. Everything from dropdowns, inputs, cards, and radio buttons. Once completed, I began to do my wireframe layouts on the form questions position and created a workflow for the entire process.

I knew once we got to the workflow created I noticed this flow would be best used as a template for other products. I created 2 versions of the thank you page that will give the mobile app environment 2 call-to-action layouts for product placement or reinforcement. Please view the 2 versions of the designs below.

Concept Designs

Black Background Layout

White Background Layout

Portfolio Work

Nextech Design System

Tropicana Mobile App

iPad app Redesign, Medical Charting

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Lets connect!
  • Mobile: 305-790-6070